Les acquis d’octobre 1988’, IJFS 10.1-2_12_art_Benrabah.qxd 2/21/07 8:35 PM Page 210Destanne de Bernis, G. (1966), ‘Industries industrialisantes et contenu d’une poli-—— (1971), ‘Les industries industrialisantes et les options algériennes’, Djamel, B. All four social factors proved important for explaining the maintenance of French. The results of a matched guise test and a social attitudes survey are presented and compared with the findings of studies on be like and go-perception in the U.S. This paper aims to provide a new multi-purpose parallel corpus (i.e., DZDC12 corpus), which will serve as a testbed for various Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Information Retrieval (IR) applications. The article seeks firstly to challenge the Arabisation project in relation to Algeria and presents its close relationship to the Islamisation of the country through soft power practices. It is found that the perceptual load of the two quotatives on both sides of the Atlantic is similar in some respects and different in © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. The training sessions were video recorded, and participants’ perceptions were documented in learning logs and semi-structured interviews, all of which were analyzed thematically. Thus, theamounted to 49% in 1993 (for a population of 27.3 million) and projec-the use of French in a number of higher domains has diminished since theIJFS 10.1-2_12_art_Benrabah.qxd 2/21/07 8:35 PM Page 194halls and, to a lesser extent, the Ministry of Education. Au soir de l'exécution, toutes les tombes - que le Préfet avait obtenu de faire revêtir du nom de chaque martyr seront couvertes de fleurs par des inconnus.
Such inquiry is especially important in the Algerian EFL classroom where pronunciation instruction focuses mainly on phonemes while prosody features are sidelined due to the lack of teacher training and practice materials. It was also found that as the level of exposure to the language decreases, so too does the level of communicative usage. Hence, due to social influence on social media networks, Arabic-French code-switching is also used by some monolingual people in their conversations. The distinction between the colonial and the postcolonial eras is a necessary step to understand the layers of complexity of its language policies and provide a context which helps explain the relationship between language politics and ‘soft power’, as theorised by Nye. It is part of a special issue on language planning in Africa and the Middle East in honour of Dick Baldauf the late editor of CILP.
The present article studies the survival of French in Algeria despite an assertive policy of linguistic Arabization designed, among other things, to displace French. Eight difor less shaped the social history of Algeria and its sociolinguistic profile.IJFS 10.1-2_12_art_Benrabah.qxd 2/21/07 8:35 PM Page 196The Berbers, the indigenous populations, came under the yfunctionalist theory of social change in Algeria: the Fthe beginning of colonization in 1830. This paper presents results from a language attitude study in Malaysia arguing for views already presented in literature covering sociolinguistics, Deaf education and Deaf studies. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed corpus is the first of its kind, where the texts are written in Latin script and crawled from Facebook. It is hoped that the spread of English, a language many Algerians seem to favor,Algeria's socio-linguistic situation is known as a complex phenomenon involving several historical, cultural and technological factors. To do this, 18 Algerian adult EFL learners enrolled in pronunciation training sessions once a week for six weeks to practice syllable stress, sentence stress, and intonation using the CAPT system Tell Me More. Specialists describe this process of language survival and eIn 1964, Joshua Fishman proposed the concepts of ‘maintenance’ andcoined the term ‘language spread’ in 1982 to describe the processspread as a result of military conquest by Muslim armies, from the sevon ethnolinguistic minorities in immigration countries. All rights reserved.Introduction to Sociolinguistics: The Sociolinguistics of SocietyComputer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) represents an alternative environment for English as a foreign language (EFL) learners to practice pronunciation in a stress-free environment through a self-paced process with immediate and personalized feedback.
This effectively means that, in cases of borrowing, the stereotypes attached to linguistic items are not simply taken over along with the surface item. Enseignante, la fille unique d'Albert-Joseph di Fusco remplit avec ce livre un indispensable devoir de mémoire."--P. Participant observation and interviews with students and teachers The present paper explores the extent of Irish language use in networked communications, and attitudes towards the language by 125 schoolchildren from three backgrounds in Ireland: (1) an Irish-speaking area (Gaeltacht) and Irish medium of instruction, (2) an English-speaking area and Irish medium of instruction, and (3) an English-speaking area and English medium of instruction, with Irish as a Naturalistic observations of special education classrooms in a high school, together with teacher ratings of social acceptance, revealed four status positions within the learning handicapped population (130 learning disabled and mildly retarded students in resource and special day classrooms). The study concludes with a number of implications for language planning in Algeria. After 50 years of formal Deaf education in Malaysia, this paper explores Deaf Malaysians’ language attitude and their perspectives on Deaf education in five states across Malaysia.
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