Need Support? Toute installation d'un Somfy Home Alarm débute forcément par l'installation du Link. Connect with a certified Somfy professional near you to help carry out your project! Harness the power of your favorite mobile device and upgrade to a convenient and relevant control option for Somfy-powered solutions, such as blinds, shades, curtains, screens, awnings, rolling shutters and RTS-enabled lighting devices.Activate Somfy-powered applications even when you’re away from home with a single tap to maximize the many lifestyle benefits they provide such as energy savings, UV protection and privacy.Schedule scenes to automate motorized applications on a seven day schedule so you can effortlessly enjoy their many benefits.Intuitive installation and setup allow you to enjoy your myLink™ experience in a short few minutes.Control all Radio Technology Somfy® RTS products with voice commands using Harness the power of your favorite mobile device and upgrade to a convenient and relevant control option for Somfy-powered solutions, such as blinds, shades, curtains, screens, awnings, rolling shutters and RTS-enabled lighting devices.Activate Somfy-powered applications even when you’re away from home with a single tap to maximize the many lifestyle benefits they provide such as energy savings, UV protection and privacy.Schedule scenes to automate motorized applications on a seven day schedule so you can effortlessly enjoy their many benefits.Intuitive installation and setup allow you to enjoy your myLink™ experience in a short few minutes.Control all Radio Technology Somfy® RTS products with voice commands using Watch myLink™ video tutorials for step-by-step programming and installation instructions.Find instructions, specification sheets, brochures and more for the Somfy myLink.All RTS motor limits are set (including the MY position if desired). For z-wave systems that use Somfy’s RTS motors I think the ZRTSI would still be a better option. Somfy's dedicated team of support specialists are here to help you. Where to Buy. The Somfy myLink™ is a simple device that turns your smartphone or tablet into a sophisticated remote control for motorized products featuring Radio Technology Somfy®. The myLink cannot set limits or the MY position, nor can it be used to add additional RTS controls.There must be a preprogrammed RTS control (handheld, in-wall or table top) that controls the motors that will also be controlled by the myLink. Somfy Support & Assistance Somfy will assist you with your project. Where to Buy . Quick access Where to Buy .
Ci-dessous, les prérequis à l'installation du Link Le Link étant équipé d’une batterie, il n'est pas possible de le redémarrer en le débranchant simplement de sa prise.Pour éteindre puis redémarrer le Link, suivez cette procédure :ensuite, maintenez le bouton se trouvant sur le côté durant 10 secondes environ, jusqu’à ce que le voyant blanc du Link s’éteigne complètementpour le redémarrer, branchez-le à nouveau sur la prise de courant Somfy recommends that the channel configuration on the transmitter matches what you want to see on the myLink (ex: on a Telis 4 RTS, channels 1 – 4 individually control 4 motors and channel 5 is a group channel that controls all 4 motors together). Il s'installe uniquement depuis l'application mobile Somfy Protect. Le Link est le cerveau du système. myLink now works with Alexa, IFTTT and Google Assistant Via IFTTT! Le Link doit s'éteindre quand on le débranche afin de vérifier qu'il est bien en mode "installation". Vous n'avez pas trouvé de réponse à votre question ?
Pour éteindre puis redémarrer le Link, suivez cette procédure : débranchez-le; ensuite, maintenez le bouton se trouvant sur le côté durant 10 secondes environ, jusqu’à ce que le voyant blanc du Link s’éteigne complètement; pour le redémarrer, branchez-le à nouveau sur la prise de courant It’s cheaper (most of the time) and, can control up to 16 individual motors or groups (MyLink can only do 5), and we have had plenty of range complaints with the MyLink (only 1 or 2 with a ZRTSI). Nous vous invitons à nous transmettre votre demande en ouvrant un ticket. Il connecte tous les autres éléments de Somfy Home Alarm à Internet. Le Link est la pièce maîtresse de Somfy Home Alarm. Get a customized quote from a expert Somfy dealer today! Positionnement du Link. Already have a specific project in mind? The myLink™ puts you in control, so that you can operate your motorized shades, blinds, awnings, screens and shutters with your favorite mobile device whether you’re home or not.The Somfy myLink™ offers convenient control of Radio Technology Somfy® (RTS) motorized solution with a smartphone, tablet or with your own voice! 3. Si ce n'est pas le cas, nous vous invitons à réinitialiser le Link. Vérifiez que le Link est correctement positionné pour se connecter en WiFi à la Box Internet (ou au routeur WiFi). Somfy recommends that the channel configuration on the transmitter matches what you want to see on the myLink (ex: on a Telis 4 RTS, channels 1 – 4 individually control 4 motors and channel 5 is a group channel that controls all 4 motors together). With myLink™, it's easy to transform your experience with Somfy-powered motorized solutions and maximize the benefits that they provide, such as energy savings, privacy, comfort, and convenience.
It consists of a simple plug-in device and free app that transforms the experience users have with their motorized solutions. En cas de coupure de courant, Somfy Home Alarm continue de fonctionner grâce à sa batterie intégrée (ne peut être remplacée par l'utilisateur). Nous vous répondrons au plus vite. For over 50 years, Somfy has provided the highest in quality motors and controls for smart shading solutions Shades, Blinds, Curtains, Awnings, Rolling Shutters
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