Depending on the period of history, the activity of the chalet was linked either to forestry or to tourism. From the summer of 1943, the inhabitants of the mountainous sector of the Chartreuse saw the arrival of the STO refractories. Some will engage in combat against the occupier.Just before the start of hostilities, several families from the village embark on the hotel business, with the number of travelers increasing.
Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse is a French commune located in the department of Isère, in region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. There was also a green chartreuse, a yellow chartreuse.The Hot Green is a cocktail comprising hot chocolate, milk, a little sugar and Green Chartreuse , often served in ski resorts in the French Alps, including Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse. HRS 100% Né / Geb. Admittedly the snow cover is sometimes random, hardly allowing seasons longer than three months, but its strategic position near large urban centers (especially Grenoble ), its proximity to the neighboring resort of Planolet, its family atmosphere and affordable prices mean that in 2005 and 2006, it had its highest turnover in terms of ski pass sales.In winter, it has the particularity of becoming a village-resort thanks to the cable cars which, from the heart of the village, transport you to the slopes of the Cœur de Chartreuse ski area.The house Guet, located desert road, dating from the xvi th century, is the subject of a classification as historical monuments by order of 1 st May 1923.At the limit of the territory of the commune west side (accessible from the town of Proveysieux ), the forest home of the neck of the Charmette is typical of the forest architecture of the xix th century. “In the twenty-third year of the priorat de Guigues, an incredible mass of snow, rushing from the high rocky summits with sudden impetuosity, carried in its frightful whirlwind and buried under its immense mass all the cells of the religious except one, and with they six monks and a novice.”On October 16, 1845, a considerable fire broke out in Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, in a few moments the entire village was destroyed: the presbytery, the church itself were engulfed in flames; only one barn remains.
: 04.12.1963 Vers.-Champsec E. / Z. : - P. / B. : Se Vers.-Champsec , Versegères The National Forestry Office decided to put this building up for sale in 2010. The town is also home to a major historical site, the Grande Chartreuse monastery, many hiking sites, an alpine ski resort with many trails transformed into mountain biking trails in summer. However, they succeeded in obtaining that the site of the Desert of the Grande Chartreuse be classified as a historical and natural site, prohibited to overflight of tourist planes, and closed to automobile traffic.The ski resort experienced the heyday of winter sports during the 1970s and after suffering from the “snowless years” in the 1980s and early 1990s, it is now experiencing a second wind.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse has strong historical ties with this religious order and this monastery.Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse is a rural town which is part of a mid-mountain sector. The June 6, 1857, an imperial decree, taken on the reports of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Worship defines a reserve around the monastery to preserve the landscape and guarantee the tranquility of the monks.The village was classified as a health resort in the 1930s, and it is therefore only during this period that tourists could visit the monastery of the Grande Chartreuse, and that until June 21, 1940. Indeed, the village of Saint-Pierre and all the surrounding hamlets are located on the mountain level. A l’heure où le tourisme d’hiver doit se renouveler, nous apportons notre contribution à sa variante douce et entendons toucher un nouveau public que nous souhaitons fidéliser ». The prehistorian Franck Bourdier dates the tools discovered by his predecessor and refers the installation to the Alpine Mousterian.At the end of the 11th century, Bruno has built with his six companions the first hermitage Carthusian to lead a hermit’s life tempered with a little cenobitism. On the eve of the armistice of June 22, 1940, three Fathers officially resumed possession of the buildings, then a “special” law of the Vichy government, promulgated onFebruary 21, 1941, granted the Carthusians legal recognition in France.During the Second World War, Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse and the whole of the department of Isère come under the unoccupied French part, called the “free zone”. Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse is a French commune located in the department of Isère, in region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The subalpine level is located at the level of the main peaks exceeding 1,600 m in altitude).This elixir is still marketed today, under the name of Elixir Végétal de la Grande Chartreuse.
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