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ESPEasy can run on inexpensive boards based upon the ESP8266 processor. The plug has a relay and a pushbutton for manual operation. I thank you very much, it’s really nice of you. You can google “sonoff” (the main brand for Itead Studio home automation devices) to get more than a million hits, including official pages, reviews and lots of hacks. ESPEasy is firmware that allows creating sensor nodes with wireless connection to a LAN via WiFi, without writing any code. Don't miss any more projects by subscribing to our weekly newsletter!Your English is very poor . SONOFF – ESPEASY. This is normal, you have to create a program with the GPIO 0. Subscribe to the weekly newsletter. But the constraining side of connected objects is that each manufacturer has its dedicated app on the smartphone. Making this article hard to understand .Hello Jimmy. I love making things and the software for them. Everything is explained in this tutorial.I nevertheless draw attention to the step where the screen appears with “Proceed to main config”, do not forget to reconnect on its Wifi network before launching Proceed to main config.Now that Espeasy is installed how to drive the operation of the plug, first with the Espeasy web interface then with Jeedom.The plug has a relay and a pushbutton for manual operation.The relay is activated by the GPIO 12 (1 = ON, O = OFF) and the push button acts on the GPIO 0 (pressed = 0, released = 1).To test the relay, use the “Command” function in “Tools”: enter “gpio, 12,1” then Submit; The relay slams. I'm a passionate software developer with experience in hardware, too. diyprojects.io can not be held responsible in case of accident, injury or deterioration of material.Maybe someone has already found the solution, visit Remember the 4 terminals of the flash connector: VCC, GND, TX, RX.These terminals are available to power sensors, indeed TX and RX are respectively connected to the GPIO1 and GPIO3.The list of sensors and equipment managed by Espeasy is already quite consistent: These sensors and various equipment are powerful and cheap (a few euros on Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress, …)Note that if you configure the GPIO1 and GPIO3 in SDA and SCL (I2C communication) you can connect several sensors or devices using this communication mode: for example a BME280 weather sensor (pressure, temperature, humidity) and a 4×20 LCD or Oled SSD.Indeed Espeasy differentiates the I2c addresses of each device (I2C Scan function from the Tools menu).On the practical level, a 3.5 mm jack with 4 connectors can be used to properly connect the sensors.Thus, the advantage of a SONOFF S20 thus modified can be seen, for example, in order to independently regulate the temperature and / or humidity of a room with heating equipment, a dehumidifier; The lighting according to the brightness.An example of weather sensor tested on a SONOFF module, and the S20 jack modified with a jack.But the best is to integrate our instrumented plug into a home automation solution.Here again Espeasy is very user-friendly because it can communicate through many protocols: HTTP, MQTT, ThingSpeak, …The same process obviously applies to all SONOFF products integrating a wifi module ESP8266In home automation wifi offers a very effective mode of communication in both flow and range. New release candidates are on github: ESPEasy version 2.0 and higher; On the linked page you will find two daily builds of ESPEasy. Le Sonoff T1 est un interrupteur domotique qui permet de piloter en WiFi ou à l’aide d’une télécommande radio fonctionnant à 433MHz de un à trois circuits d’éclairage (ou un … Home / SONOFF – ESPEASY . It runs on ESP8266 Wi-Fi based MCU (microcontroller unit) platforms for IoT from Espressif Systems.The name "ESP Easy," by default, refers to the firmware rather than the hardware on which it runs. The Sonoff is now ready for configuring, via one of the following connections: Leave the Sonoff connected via the USB-TTL convert on the PC (unplug and plugin the USB to the computer once, so the Sonoff will reboot) Disconnect all jumperwires from the Sonogg and connect it to 230V.

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