05/15: CASINO GUICHARD PERRACHON: Groupe Casino - Q1 2020 additional financial informa.. GL. The corresponding revenues more than doubled over the quarter and had a positive impact on profitability. The contribution of Argentina to Q3 2018 sales (Latam Retail segment) has not been restated under IAS 29 on hyperinflation, given the non-materiality of the impact and the late determination of application procedures. At Multivarejo, the main changes in the network were on Extra supermarkets: 2 stores were closed, 6 stores were converted into Mercado Extra and 13 stores are being converted into the Compre Bem format. The following table describes the standard's impact on 2017 net sales.
B2B services such as transport, marketing, financial services and "Fulfillment by Cdiscount", whose contribution to GMV increased by +4.0 pts, developed rapidly. You have to contact the customer relations 2 status in terms of unique monthly visitors and is closing in on the no.1 spot, according to MédiamétrieAs part of the Group's multi-channel strategy, 14 new Cdiscount corners were rolled out in Géant hypermarkets during the quarter, bringing the total to 35. They now contribute 2.1 pts to total GMV growth.Cdiscount is continuing to improve its delivery service, extending delivery to additional countries in Europe. Groupe PSA announces the publication of its 2018 Registration Document. A blogger? Small product delivery is now available in Italy, Germany, Spain and Belgium, and partnerships have been set up to sell Cdiscount products in seven other marketplaces in Eastern Europe. NET SALES -Q1 2018. The latter has been filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and registered under D.19-0201, on March 26, 2019. 05/05: Ocado investor Royal London to … Do you have any questions? Latest news on CASINO GUICHARD-PERRACHON: 05/27: CASINO GROUP: Availability of preparatory documents for the Ordinary and Extra.. AQ. Groupe PSA announces the publication of its 2018 Registration Document. 2018 French Registration Document for Casino, Guichard-Perrachon, was filed with the "Autorité des Marchés Financiers" ("AMF") on 1 st April 2019 under the number D. 19-0238. Cdiscount consolidated its no. This section is for you! and financial services.Traffic totalled a very high 216m visits in the quarter, driven mainly by mobile traffic, up +11.3%, which now represents 64.1% of total traffic. Casino Group: Auchan Retail and Casino Group enter into exclusive talks to build a global strategic partnership for their food and non-food purchases Interim dividend – 2017 11 10 Availability of documents The latter has been filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and registered under D.19-0201, on March 26, 2019.The 2018 Registration Document is available on the Group's web site Groupe PSA’s shareholders can receive an electronic copy of the 2018 Registration Document upon request by email: Are you a journalist? Email Print Friendly Share. Please note that no customer complaint will be processed on this press website. 2017 French Registration Document for Casino, Guichard-Perrachon, was filed with the "Autorité des Marchés Financiers" ("AMF") on 5 April 2018 under the number D. 18-0282.
April 17, 2018 01:29 ET | Source: Groupe Casino. Casino Group: Q1 2018 Sales. This includes the following information: Source: Groupe Casino via Globenewswire. Loyal app users, representing 40% of the customer base, have a basket twice the size of other customers.In the first nine months of 2018, the Casino Group applied IFRS 15 - The application of IFRS 15 has led to reclassifications between net sales, other revenues, cost of goods sold and selling expenses. 0. Marketplace GMV rose by +19.5% over the quarter, driven by the Telephony, Home and Computer categories. In France, sales rose +2.0% on an organic basis and +1.9% on a same-store basis:Monoprix: growth of +1.8% on an organic basis and +1.4% on a same-store basis; strong growth in traffic and food; excellent performance by Parisian stores.Franprix: organic growth of +4.1% and same-store growth of +2.7%; very robust traffic during the quarter reflecting the banner's positioning.
multilang-release. In Latin America, sales were up +10.4% organically and +5.5% on a same-store basis:GPA Food: organic growth of +12.6% led by Multivarejo's ongoing recovery and Assaí's very good performance.Éxito Group (excluding GPA Food): sequential improvement in organic and same-store sales.The data published by the subsidiary include all sales generated by Cdiscount, including its sales of technical products to hypermarket and supermarket customers, further to the multi-channel agreement in effect since 19 June 2017.The organic changes exclude the sales generated with hypermarket and supermarket customers, except for sales generated by the corners (total impact of exclusion of +3.2 pts and +3.4 pts respectively in GMV growth and net sales).Gross merchandise volume (GMV) includes sales of merchandise, other revenues and the marketplace's sales volume based on confirmed and shipped orders, including tax, and the sales volume of services that contributed to GMV growth, for +2.0 pts in Q3 2018 and +0.01 pt in Q3 2017.After entry into effect of the new accounting standard IFRS 15 - Active customers at 30 September 2018 who made at least one purchase on the Cdiscount websites or app during the previous 12 months.During the quarter, 4 Assaí stores were opened of which 1 Extra hypermarket converted into Cash & Carry. Food e-commerce enjoyed double-digit growth, driven by the expansion of express and in-store pick-up services. Convenience: organic growth of +4.3% and same-store growth of +3.2%; ongoing strong momentum among franchisees and sharp recovery at integrated stores.Leader Price: stable organic performance and same-store growth of +1.9%; sequential improvement in traffic and increase in the average basket. Bloomberg the Company & Its Products The Company & its Products Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Customer Support Customer Support Integration of Sarenza as of 30 April 2018 (Monoprix) Data monetisation revenues totalled €15m, up +17%, thanks to the proceeds from 3W and RelevanC advertising sales and from B2B2C (Energy, Mobile, etc.) The "Meu Desconto" digital loyalty app, downloaded 6.5 million times, rapidly expanded its customer base.
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