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Now you can be updated with the Caudalie news & offers.For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.Get your second anti-wrinkle suncare product half price with code SUMMER20Raising awareness and educating people about preserving the marine ecosystemRaising awareness and mobilising citizens around beach pollution In 2019, more than 3,000 corals will be transplanted, restored and protected in Indonesia (Hatamin site) thanks to this partnership.Caudalie is supporting REEF WORLD and helping to implement a certification programme named Green Fins, aimed at stakeholders in the diving and snorkelling industry. Payment Beauty advice Caudalie uses alternative methods to test its ingredients and finished products, and it does not use ingredients of animal origin.
How long can I keep a product once I have opened it? You can find more information at www.IIVS.org.Finally, since 2012, founder Mathilde and Bertrand Thomas have decided to donate 1% of Caudalie's sales to environmental associations for the The seeds are collected in the forest to respect the local ecosystem. 7,000 trees were planted in 2018.From its snowy mountain peaks to its pine forests and rice paddies, the vast province of Yunnan offers one of the most diverse and lush landscapes in the world and is home to the De'ang, Jingpo and Lisu peoples. The diversification of sources of revenue and the self-sufficiency (alimentary, financial and energetic) of small-scale farmers are essential. Crop yields are decreasing and populations are becoming impoverished. As a precaution, we prefer not to recommend that Caudalie products be used on children.Certain Caudalie products have been specifically tested on sensitive skin to minimize the risk of reaction and soothe the most reactive skin.We recommend the following products specifically tested on sensitive skin:If your skin is very sensitive, we recommend that you consult your dermatologist before use.Before being put on the market, all our products undergo numerous quality, tolerance and effectiveness tests under dermatological control, by an independent laboratory approved by the French Ministry of Health.The yellow ring that forms atop the liquid in the Beauty Elixir bottle, is the beloved essential oil blend we use in our product. Welcome to the Caudalie family! That said, in China, where our products are distributed, authorities may impose random animal testing. To preserve our formulas, we use ingredients authorized by Ecocert, and always in minimal quantities. Are Caudalie products made with natural ingredients? 7 - Caudalie has chosen to support the WWF in this project, to help protect 52,000 hectares of primary forests, create 1,000 hectares of RSPO-certified oil palm plantations (a sustainable oil palm) and preserve the wildlife corridors necessary for the survival of 225 elephants, 130 orangutans and 65 Sumatran tigers, all endangered species.The 268,000 hectares of Copalita-Zimatán-Huatulco drainage basins in the state of Oaxaca are home to 26 of the 34 types of vegetation in Mexico. Return policy 15 - What is the ring of yellow in my Beauty Elixir bottle? The following list consists of companies that are not cruelty-free.

The WWF's missions in Indonesia are to combat deforestation (1/3 of the Tessa Nilo park has been deforested), promote the production of sustainable palm oil, protect endangered animal species and encourage the diversification of economic activities.

Indonesia has the highest concentration of plants in the world, as well as a fascinating fauna.

Since 2012, three community tree nurseries have been developed to produce young trees for the reforestation project and to provide organic fertilizers used to nourish the trees. This unique region, encompassing coral reefs, mangroves and dry forests, is essential to the preservation of local wildlife, which is exceedingly rich in terms of biodiversity.

You can look forward to receiving news & offers to your inbox exclusively from caudalie.comFor the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies.Enjoy this FREE 3-Piece gift when you spend $120+ with code

4 - Et s’il y a un code promo disponible, nous vous le … The PAO, or Period After Opening, generally varies between 6 months to 24 months. Caudalie is joining forces with CORAL GUARDIAN through a programme that restores and protects coral reefs. It’s also one of the countries most affected by deforestation: 1.8 million hectares of forests are chopped down each year for the illegal wood trade and farming lands are being converted into palm oil plantations. These brands engage in animal testing OR fund animal testing in some capacity, the most common example being by testing on animals where the law requires it.. For a list of 350+ cruelty-free brands, please click here. MyCaudalie The regions targeted by our reforestation projects are located in the states of Piauí, Alagoas and Pernambuco. MyCaudalie 1 - In 2018, over 1 million trees were replanted in the states of Montana (Whitebark Pine National Forest), Wyoming (Flathead National Forest), Washington (Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest) and Minnesota (Chippewa National Forest). Logona (marque qui ne fait pas de tests toutefois rachetée le 01/08/18 par une compagnie qui fait des tests sur les animaux => L’Oréal ) Lulu & Boo – 100% vegan (Une jolie petite marque bio et vegan qui nous vient tout droit du Pays de Galles, qui débarque en France) Lulu Blossom; Lush; LVX – 100% vegan

The mission of Pur Projet is to recreate the conditions for sustainable agriculture, particularly for small coffee and cacao farmers who have made the transition to organic agriculture.

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