0000150180 00000 n
0000146991 00000 n
0000201663 00000 n
0000069612 00000 n
0000061266 00000 n
0000191069 00000 n
Une gamme de postes intérieurs au design moderne et élégant qui répond à tous les besoins d’installation.
0000141905 00000 n
Écran LCD/TFT 4,3" (16:9) … 0000032235 00000 n
0000022471 00000 n
0000137701 00000 n
16 CLASSE 100 Catalogue and dimensional data 140 27 140 27 171 171 Size in mm 344522 344502 344522 344602 344502 344602 171 27 171 Item CLASSE 100V12E HANDSFREE VIDEO INTERNAL UNIT Description 344522 2 WIRE handsfree colour video internal unit with inductive loop, preset for different types of installations, depending on the accessories used: 0000027811 00000 n
0000120310 00000 n
Classe 100 A12C - A12M. You can manage the main video door entry system functions directly from your smartphone, via the Door Entry CLASSE …
0000076807 00000 n
CLASSE 100 Postes intérieur vidéo Classe 100 Réf. 0000049728 00000 n
Grand choix parmi 571 Interphone 0000080240 00000 n
0000177462 00000 n
0000204177 00000 n
0000009144 00000 n
0000023636 00000 n
1 2. trailer
<<6D2392B097E243899DCD6CF68B7FAF4E>]/Prev 3491809>>
1278 0 obj
Équipé de 0000012830 00000 n
The handsfree colour video internal unit comes with inductive loop, preset for different types of installations, depending on the accessories used: wall mounted, flush mounted, table mounted, with side-by-side handset, and tilted, both when wall mounted and when flush mounted. Directly from the App in a few steps, both in new and existing systems.CLASSE 100X is wall mounted with the bracket supplied or tabletop mounted with supports (2 x 344692) – to be purchased separately.Replacing the old BTicino video internal unit with the Remove the old 2 wires BTicino video internal unit After installation, the new CONNECTED CLASSE 100 is associated to the Door Entry Classe 100X is wall mounted with the bracket supplied or tabletop mounted with supports (2 x 344692) – to be purchased separately.BTicino Spa - Viale Borri 231, 21100 Varese - Share capital 98.800.000 i.v.
0000170281 00000 n
0000006264 00000 n
0000029791 00000 n
0000015288 00000 n
0000027752 00000 n
0000156232 00000 n
Un seul appareil pour la vidéophonie et la visualisation de la consommation d’énergie. 0000035078 00000 n
... BTicino (Legrand group) Kouterveldstraat 9 The handsfree colour video internal unit comes with inductive loop, preset for different types of installations, depending on the accessories used: wall mounted, flush mounted, table mounted, with side-by-side handset, and tilted, both when wall mounted and when flush mounted. 0000031585 00000 n
0000018698 00000 n
0000057113 00000 n
Description de facturation AVT - Classe 100 V12E moniteur mains-libres Serie Classe 100 Fabricant BTicino
endobj 0000008647 00000 n
%PDF-1.7 0000032991 00000 n
0000047154 00000 n
0000027925 00000 n
0000058699 00000 n
0000163109 00000 n
0000018583 00000 n
0000008995 00000 n
It has 4 pushbuttons for: door lock release, handsfree connection, staircase lights, and entrance panel activation and cycling.
0000120546 00000 n
Description de facturation AVT - Classe 100 V12E moniteur mains-libres Serie Classe 100 Fabricant BTicino 0000025010 00000 n
0000032310 00000 n
0000008249 00000 n
Livraison rapide partout en France. 0000202784 00000 n
0000008745 00000 n
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